How To Not Declutter

How To Not Declutter | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by jordi pujadas via Unsplash


No matter what time of the year it is, I think trying to live like a minimalist is what I try to strive for. Everyone is on their own path to simplify, but Abundantly Minimal on YouTube gives 5 decluttering mistakes to avoid making for the new year. I’m a big hoarder and I love keeping objects when I know should be thrown away. Whether it’s a sentimental gift from years ago, I accumulate a lot of things that I need to reconsider giving up.


Don’t declutter just to declutter

Be intentional about the things you declutter because you might throw something out that you might need to replace later. Some people give or throw away things just for the sake of them, but it’s important to consider instead of liking the idea of doing it.

Don’t take on too much at once

How To Get Rid of Your Clutter - Cleaning Sweep Hacks - Cleaning Tips
Image by Alejo Reinoso via Unsplash

Pick a targeted spot to declutter first so there are not many half finished projects in your space. This helps with organizing when you are able to work on small sections at a time. It can be overwhelming jumping around to one thing and another. Figure out if it’s important, where it would go, and putting it back in a good system.

Don’t only follow the guidelines of others

There’s no one size fits all approach to minimalism. Find a system that works for you. Elimnate things that does not have any value to you or you don’t use in a practical sense.

Don’t become overly sentimental

5 Decluttering Tips - Decluttering Mistakes to Avoid - Spring Cleaning
Image by xiuhao lin via Unsplash

It’s easy to feel a lot of emotions when you come across certain items, but it’s important to be level headed when decluttering. This is something I am guilty of because I will overthink how sentimental it is and end up keeping 99% of the things. We can craft and create stories in our head on why we should keep things.

Don’t let decluttered items stay in your space

It’s easy to have second thoughts if we keep items in our space, and you can regret it. It can be tempting to take those items back and think how can they add value back in your life when there isn’t any.

Overall, these are 5 pitfalls of decluttering mistakes to avoid. I know I need to consider these tips to achieve a simple lifestyle. I love the idea of a free and minimalist space.

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