How to Make a Rabbit With a Towel

How to Make a Rabbit With a Towel | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas



I fell in love with these rabbits the first time I saw them, so I want to share them with you. You can even put some chocolates or candies inside and give them as gifts! Learn how to make a rabbit with a towel with this amazing tutorial by Natasha Kinza on Youtube.



  • square towel
  • stuffing
  • scissors
  • thread and needle
  • 2 black beads
  • star beads
  • ribbon
  • super glue
  • chocolate
  • small ponytails


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Step 1:

Lay your square towel flat. Fold both sides so they’ll meet in the middle. Get one of the top corners and tie it with a ponytail. Do the same for the other side.

Step 2:

Take some stuffing and form it into a ball. Insert on the top part of the towel to make the head of the rabbit. Tie it with one ponytail to secure the stuffing.

Step 3:

Take one of the bottom corners and tie it with a ponytail. Do the same on the other side.

How to Make a Rabbit With a Towel Tutorial


Step 4:

Get some stuffing and insert it into the body of the rabbit.

Step 5:

Gather the ends and fold them up until the end of the head of the rabbit. Use the ponytail in the middle to secure it in place.

Step 6:

Insert the chocolates inside the body of the rabbit.

Step 7:

Get a thread and needle. Insert one bead in the needle and sew on the head. Do the same for the other bead to make the eyes of the rabbit.

Step 8:

Get a thread that matches the ponytails that you used. Use it to make the nose of the rabbit. Just pass the thread several times in the middle. Once done, insert the needle on the bottom of the head and pass through the threads on the nose. Pull it tightly to make the mouth. Secure it with a knot.

How to Make a Rabbit With a Towel Project


Step 9:

Decorate one of the ears with a star bead using glue. Finally, wrap a ribbon around the neck.


How to Make a Rabbit With a Towel

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