How to Make Precise HSTs Without Lines

How to Make Precise HSTs Without Lines | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Pretty Simple Sara via YouTube


Half-square triangles are one of the easiest quilting blocks. If you are just a beginner, it is best to master this block and other basic blocks first.

The usual way to make an HST is by placing two squares on top of each other right sides together, drawing a diagonal line from corner to corner, and then sewing 1/4″ away from both sides of the line. Cut it in the middle and press the two triangles open to make half-square triangles.


RELATED: Easy HST Star Block Tutorial

If you have been quilting for a really long time, you probably no longer need to draw the lines, but if you are just starting, drawing diagonal lines for 50 or more pieces can be time-consuming. But don’t worry, there’s a quicker and easier way to make precise HSTs without lines. Let Pretty Simple Sara teach you this awesome sewing trick. It will make the process so much faster.

Here’s another trick for you: Quilting Hack: Make 32 Half-Square Triangles at Once

How to Make a Half-Square Triangle Without Drawing a Diagonal Line

Step 1:

Add masking tape or washi tape just on top of your needle plate. Try to tape it straight.

Step 2:

Line your ruler to the quarter-inch mark on your needle plate. Draw the line. It should be parallel to your sewing line.

How to Make a Half-Square Triangle Without Drawing a Diagonal Line
Image by Pretty Simple Sara via YouTube

Step 3:

Now start sewing your half-square triangles. Place two squares on top of each other right sides together. Take them onto your sewing machine. Imagine the center diagonal line from corner to corner. The top and bottom points on your HST should always follow the line that you just drew to get a precise 1/4″ seam allowance.

The Easiest Way to Make Half Square Triangles
Image by Pretty Simple Sara via YouTube

Step 4:

To do the other side, just flip it over and follow the line as well.

Step 5:

Repeat with your other HSTs.

Step 6:

Cut it in half, and you will get 2 half-square triangles. Press each one open toward the dark side.

You can also use this technique to make 8 half-square triangles at a time. Just sew it point to point. You don’t have to draw the diagonal line for each one.


How to Make Precise HSTs Without Lines

Make precise HSTs without drawing lines

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