How To Make DIY Home Diffuser

How To Make DIY Home Diffuser | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by WhatsUpMoms via YouTube


These DIY home diffusers by WhatsUpMoms on YouTube uses only 3 ingredients to keep your house smelling fresh and clean. I love the look of home diffusers, and you can make them as personalized gifts by adding ribbons to them. You can make these for the fraction of the cost instead of the harsh store-bought diffusers have. Sometimes I would think that diffusers do not work, and I have to give a close sniff to it, but they’re so cute to not have. They’re so simple to make and the supplies needed are easy to find as well. You can make big batches and a great gift idea.



  • glass container with a narrow opening
  • any carrier oil (Safflower or Sweet Almond Oil)
  • rattan diffuser reeds
  • essential oils or fragrance oils


First, start off with the main ingredient by using any carrier oils that doesn’t have a strong scent. The amount of oil depends on how much you are making and how large your containers are. Add the essential oil to the mix and make sure it is a 1:3 ratio. You can add a mixture of different kinds of smells.

Use Carrier Oils To Make Homemade Home Diffuser - DIY Homemade Diffuser
Image by WhatsUpMoms via YouTube


Next, mix everything together and pour it into the container about halfway up. Insert the reeds into the mixture and set them anywhere around the house. Continue to watch WhatsUpMoms tutorial on YouTube for full instructions and details.

Easy Ways To Use Essential Oils - DIY Essential oils Home products - DIY Air Freshener
Image by WhatsUpMoms via YouTube

Overall, these homemade diffusers add a nice scent to the house and serve as an accent on any table or countertop. I love how customizable the diffusers are and if you have your perfect combination of the essential oils, you can create all different kinds. The glass containers may be found at The Dollar Tree or you can reuse them after one is done and empty.

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