Christmas is already here! I just love this season of giving. Seeing the smiles of the people I love when they see their presents are just priceless. How about you? Are you done shopping for gifts? If not, you still have time to buy and wrap them. Wrapping them with a ribbon makes them much more special, so here’s a tutorial by 아름드리 선물포장 – Arumduri on Youtube. Believe it or not, it’s actually easy to make! Learn how to make a ribbon pompom bow by watching the video below.


  • ribbon
  • gift box
  • wire or string
  • scissors
  • wire or flower shears


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Step 1:

Place the ribbon on the front middle then wrap it on the bottom part. Once it’s up again in the middle, twist it and wrap them to the bottom and meet on the middle front again. Loop the free end to tie it into a knot. Cut the ends of the ribbon but not too short.

Step 2:

Get 2 yards of ribbon. Identify the size of the ribbon loop according to the size of the box. Once you have decided, fold the ribbon on that size until the end.

Step 3:

Fold the ribbon in half. Cut the top and bottom on the middle leaving only one-third of the center. Tie it with a wire or string. Cut the excess wire using wire or flower shears. Do not use regular scissors as they may break.

How to Make a Ribbon Pompom Bow Tutorial
Image by 아름드리 선물포장 via Youtube


Step 4:

Wrap the loops of ribbon in the middle of the box using the ends of the cross-stitched ribbon.

Step 5:

Pull one loop at a time and twist it towards the middle so it will stay in place. Take turns from right to left. Do the same on the other side. Once done, arrange them one last time and do some more twists if needed.

How to Make a Ribbon Pompom Bow Gift
Image by 아름드리 선물포장 via Youtube



How to Make a Ribbon Pompom Bow


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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