How To Fold And Store Fabric

How To Fold And Store Fabric | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

My sewing room was an unorganized mess after my recent move so I went scouring Youtube for the best folding and organizational ideas I could find and I found this gem of a video that describes a few really cool ways to fold your fabric for efficient storage and easy access. In the video, we are shown several ways you can fold your gorgeous quilting fabric to make is sturdy and easy to locate because things won’t get wrapped up and folded in on itself, so you don’t have to dump out and dig through your entire bin to find a fabric you need. Recently I turned out my bins and there were fabrics that had sunk down to the bottom that I had completely forgotten about and fabrics that I definitely could have used in the last couple of quilting projects I have made. So I was immediately a big fan of all these new ideas to help me with my folding and organizing issues. All the ideas are going to come in handy because there is no one absolute way to do anything.


First Idea:

Use an 18 inch elastic band with a simple knot tie to keep your fabric from unraveling.

How to fold and store fabric

Second Idea:

Use plastic paper clips on each end because they will not rust and they hold the fabric securely and they are cheap and very manageable and easy to store.

How to fold and store fabric

Third Idea:

Use Magazine Cardboard to sandwich in the middle and fold around it. This will keep your fabric standing up very straight in its bin.

How to fold and store fabric

All these fabric folding ideas helped me so much I hope you love them as much as I do.

How To Fold And Store Fabric

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