How To Clean Baseboards With Dryer Sheets

How To Clean Baseboards With Dryer Sheets | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image By: Kisha Jaggers Via YouTube


Baseboards usually collect dust, and they do get fingerprints and scuff marks and require cleaning from time to time. My baseboards were in definite need of help, so I went searching online to find an easy way to clean my baseboards, without harming the paint. I found this really easy wall and baseboard cleaning video tutorial by Kisha Jaggers, on YouTube, I knew that this wall cleaning idea was going to be perfect for me. Some paint does not respond well to cleaning so it is very important to do a small patch test behind a piece of furniture to make sure that the wall paint doesn’t suffer an adverse reaction. All you will need to do is get some dryer sheets and start wiping down the baseboards, it is really that easy!


Materials For Cleaning The Baseboards:

  • Dryer sheets of your choice


In this really easy wall and baseboard cleaning video tutorial by Kisha Jaggers, on YouTube, you will learn how easy it is to clean baseboards with dryer sheets. This method of cleaning will enable you to mimic the results of a wet-clean without having to use any soap & water.

DIY Cleaning Hacks - Easy Ways To Clean Baseboards - How To Clean Baseboards
Image By: Kisha Jaggers Via YouTube

Then, you will just wipe down your baseboards with the dryer sheets. Since the dryer sheets are designed to collect dust, they are the perfect magnet for anything that may be lurking on the surface of your baseboards.


Cleaning Hacks - Home Cleaning Ideas - Depp Clean Your Home
Image By: Kisha Jaggers Via YouTube

This baseboard cleaning idea works so well, I like using dryer sheets more for cleaning than I do for drying clothes.

How To Clean Baseboards With Dryer Sheets

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