How To Build A Raised Bed Using Pallets

How To Build A Raised Bed Using Pallets | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The Gardening Channel With Jame Prigioni via YouTube


When it comes to gardening and reusing things around the house to create something, my dad is the pro at it. You can find pallets at the local gardening center or recycling center. I believe you can get these for free so that’s always a plus. I love gardening and growing my own plants, and I think this is a great way to keep all of the herbs and vegetables together. Plus, it’s easier to maintain when weeds grow, and if they grow. This tutorial by  The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni shows you how easy it is to build a raised bed using pallets. I love the way this looks because it looks very neat, and you can make it more put together by painting the pallets. I love the natural wood look from the original coloring. This is a great video because James demonstrates in the end on how to fill up the raised bed. He gives fast step-by-step instructions without blabbering.



  • circular saw
  • pallets
  • drop saw
  • linseed oil
  • measuring tape
  • exterior screws
  • power drill


First, take your saw and cut closest to the piece of the wood as possible without hitting any of the nails. This gives you boards to work with as the border of the raised bed.

How To Build A Raised Bed Using Pallets | DIY Hacks
Image by The Gardening Channel With Jame Prigioni via YouTube

Next, once you have your border built and ready to go, paint your wood with linseed oil because it will help preserve the wood for a couple more years.

How To Build A Raised Bed Using Pallets | DIY Hacks
Image by The Gardening Channel With Jame Prigioni via YouTube

Overall, I think this is such an amazing idea to build in your backyard if you’re looking to start a garden. Gardening can get expensive, but with this DIY you’re able to build a raised bed at a low cost. There’s no need to break the bank, so get started and recycle those pallets.

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