Hand Embroidery Toothpick Tip

Hand Embroidery Toothpick Tip | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I love sewing tips and hacks and this yarn toothpick trick that makes beautiful butterfly wings that I came across on Youtube is no exception and it has quickly become one of my favorite fun things to make of all time. You only need some toothpicks and some yarn, yes it’s that easy. The tutorial by @w_sfashion shows you how to do this awesome toothpick hand embroidery tick in a very simple, easy to understand step by step method. This DIY yarn toothpick trick will provide hours of fun for bored kids on holidays. Since I found this little sewing project I keep a little stash of yarn and some toothpicks in the glove compartment of our car, to hand to the kids if they are getting tired, fidgety and irritable. I just pop out the yarn and they all get to work and I don’t hear a peep for hours. I love sewing tips and hacks and this yarn toothpick trick is one of the best I’ve ever found and it has quickly become one of my favorite fun things to make of all time and I can’t get over the fact you only need some toothpicks and some yarn, yes it’s that easy and the video shows you how to do it.



  • Yarn
  • Long Embroidery Needle
  • Some Toothpicks


Start by weaving your yarn through the toothpicks.

Learn a hand embroidery toothpick trick

Then when you put this on you can turn it into an array of different things, butterfly wings are one.

Learn a hand embroidery toothpick trick

This idea is so awesome, so glad I found this.

Hand Embroidery Toothpick Trick

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