Easy No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Lasagna Recipe

Easy No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake Lasagna Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by SugarApron via YouTube


This strawberry cheesecake lasagna recipe by SugarApron on YouTube is an easy no-bake dessert recipe that is light and fluffy. It’s a great dessert to have year-round but is perfect for the spring and summertime. I love strawberries so this is a great recipe to try even though I’m not a big fan of cheesecake. Also, this is similar to an icebox cake because of the whipped topping, but it’s a low-calorie dessert to have that seems refreshing. I think it would be cool to add other mixed berries to this recipe for the ultimate cheesecake. The strawberries add a nice pop to the middle layer of the whipped topping.



  • 2 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs, divided
  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 1 (8 oz) package cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 2 (8 oz) containers frozen whipped topping, thawed
  • 1 (16 oz) container fresh strawberries, divided


First, in a medium bowl, combine 2 cups of graham cracker crumbs and melted butter. Firmly press into a crust in the bottom of the baking dish. Let it chill in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes for the crust to firm up. Continue to watch SugarApron tutorial on YouTube for full instructions and details.

How To Make Strawberry Cheesecake - Cheesecake Lasagna Recipe - Strawberry Desserts
Image by SugarApron via YouTube


Next, once the whipped topping is finished, layer the crust with the whipped topping and strawberries. Continue with the whipped topping on top and sprinkle with the graham cracker crumbs. Decorate the cheesecake with whole strawberries. Make sure to pat dry and drain the strawberries before placing them on top of the cheesecake so it’s not watery.

Summer Desserts - Spring Desserts - No Bake Dessert Recipes
Image by SugarApron via YouTube

I think it’s funny that it’s called a lasagna because of the layers that this strawberry cheesecake consists of. It’s quick, affordable, and easy to make with a few ingredients. I can’t wait for family gatherings to make this in the summer.

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