How to Make a Rag Rug Using Socks

How to Make a Rag Rug Using Socks | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Jody Journals via YouTube


I have made many DIY rugs before; most used recycled materials rather than store-bought fabrics, and they all turned out great. Some rugs can be made using old shirts or even scrap fabrics but for this specific project by Jody Journals on YouTube, she uses old socks!


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Initially, I thought that making this rag rug using socks would be difficult and the braiding process too complicated, but it was surprisingly easy when I watched the video tutorial, and I bet that everyone could make this. Learn how now by following the instructions down below.

Materials for DIY Rag Rug Socks:

  • Old socks
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread

How to Make a Sock Rag Rug:

How to Make a Sock Rag Rug
Image credit: Jody Journals via YouTube

Step 1

Cut the socks into round strips, then stretch out each loop, and keep making more loop bands until you have enough in your pile. Wrap a loop on your forefinger, then twist it, and wrap it around your index finger. Twist the loop again, then wrap it back to your forefinger, and another piece on top using the same steps.

Step 2

Pull the bottom part over both loops and push them down, then make 2 O’s by looping another band as demonstrated in the video, and pull all three pieces underneath over the top piece, do the same for the other side.

Step 3

Pull the bottom loop, then continue adding the next loops, and pull it down as you go. Once the braid is at the desired length, shape the rug however you want, and sew the edges together.

Easy DIY Sock Rag Rug Tutorial
Image credit: Jody Journals via YouTube

How To Make A Rag Rug Using Socks

*All these amazing images are thanks to Jody Journals via YouTube. Do visit her channel to see more videos like this! 

How to Make a Rag Rug Using Socks

How To Make A Rag Rug Using Socks

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