How to Build an Inexpensive Cowboy Pool

How to Build an Inexpensive Cowboy Pool | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: Nice Flipping Choice via YouTube


If you have a yard or large space in your house and you want to have some fun Summer activities with your family or friends, then there are a lot of options that you can try. You can have a cookout, build an obstacle course, or build your own pool instead! Enjoy a refreshing time and soak in this pool made out of a stock tank by Nice Flipping Choice on YouTube.


RELATED: How To Build A DIY Pool Deck

This cowboy pool is budget-friendly and you can use any size that you want, plus, this is also very convenient because once the Summer season is over, you can store this stock tank pool away, and take it out once you need to use it again. Learn the easy steps now by watching the video tutorial below and for more details, check out the full guide, too!

Materials for DIY Cowboy Pool:

How to Build a Cowboy Pool:

How to Build a Cowboy Pool
Image credit: Nice Flipping Choice via YouTube

Step 1

Drill a hole in the stock tank for the filter pump, then install them as instructed in the video, and secure them with putty.

Step 2

Fill the pool with some water to test if there are any leaks, then seal the areas that are needed to be sealed, and clean the stock tank pool.

Step 3

Make sure to place them where you want them to be, then fill the pool all the way to the top with water, and enjoy!

Easy Cowboy Pool Tutorial
Image credit: Nice Flipping Choice via YouTube

How To Build An Inexpensive Cowboy Pool

*All image credit belongs to Nice Flipping Choice via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to his channel for more!

How to Build an Inexpensive Cowboy Pool

How To Build An Inexpensive Cowboy Pool

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