Add a whimsical touch to your garden by installing a simple yet beautiful garden pond using only a few materials that most of you can already find around your house or garden itself. Proceed to read down below for George Crafter on YouTube’s full instructions. Enjoy!
- Pond liner – 2 by 2 meters (Approx. 7×7 Feet)
- Tubing (Hose) – 2 meters (Approx. 7 Feet)
- Old Vase (Pot)
- Water Pump – 1200 Liter per hour (264 GPH)
- Rocks and Pebbles
Step 1
Decide on where you’d want to place the pond, then line it with large rocks, and adjust until it is to the desired shape and size. Grab your shovel and start digging away using the line rocks as a guide, then remove the rocks before you finish digging the spot. You can also make 2 levels or you could just make a simple flat pond it’s up to you. Next, place an underlayment to smooth out the ground properly before placing the pond liner. Once the ground is nice and smooth, place the pond liner, then tuck it in nicely, and smooth it out.
Step 2
Pour the pebbles inside the pond and let their weight hold the pon liner in place, once done adding the pebbles, you can start lining the rocks around your pond liner, and trim off the excess that sticks out from the rock liners. Fill the pond with water, then install the water pump and the tubing. Create a base for your water vase, then put the vase on top, and insert the other end of the tubing into the hole at the bottom. Fill the spaces between the rock lining with pebbles, then place succulents or flowers at the base of the vase to give it a nicer finish.
*These amazing images are all credited to George Crafter via YouTube. Check his other content and follow for more!