Dollar Tree DIY Plant Stand

Dollar Tree DIY Plant Stand | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Annika Hinds via YouTube


What is a better way to showcase your plants than this Dollar Tree DIY Plant stand? I am absolutely in love with this simple DIY project by Annika Hinds. Would you believe that the wooden flower shape is not custom-made? It is actually a wall-hanging piece from the Dollar Store! The same goes for the stand. They are just wooden dowels glued into pairs.


RELATED: 37 DIY Plant Hangers and Stands

I would have never thought of this idea. It’s so adorable and fun to make! You can paint the flowers in different colors or even decorate them. You can also make them at different heights for variation.

If you are a plant lover, this DIY project is definitely for you, but if you are not, you can also use these stands for decoration.

Here’s another fun project for you: DIY Plant Stand Using Old Hangers Tutorial

Easy DIY Plant Stand Materials

  • 3 flower-shaped wooden wall hanging
  • wooden dowels
  • E6000
  • spray paint
  • clear wood finish and sealer
  • screws
  • wood filler
  • sandpaper


How to Make Plant Stand Using Dollar Tree Items

Step 1:

Start by removing the strings from the wall hangings and gluing two pieces together using E6000. Clamp them together and let the glue dry completely. You need two pairs.

Step 2:

Mark the dowels in the middle and cut them in half with a jigsaw. Glue dowels in pairs. You need 4 pairs for each stand. Attach them just like in the photo. For exact measurements, mark the spots using a ruler. Drill holes into the dowels and screw them straight to the top of the flower.

Easy DIY Plant Stand Materials
Image by Annika Hinds via YouTube

Step 3:

Grab the third flower and use wood filler for the hole. Sand it down and spray paint with your preferred color. You can also use house paint or just stain it. Make sure to top seal it.

How to Make Plant Stand Using Dollar Tree Items
Image by Annika Hinds via YouTube

Step 4:

Glue the third flower onto the stand and let it dry completely.



Dollar Tree DIY Plant Stand

Dollar Tree DIY Plant Stand

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