The Wonder Oven: Works Like a Powerless Crock-Pot

The Wonder Oven: Works Like a Powerless Crock-Pot | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

When I ran across this tutorial I wanted to make one before I took another dish to a potluck, because it allows you to keep food warm without having power.  This DIY project certainly piqued my curiosity…that’s for sure. I had never heard of anything like this before and couldn’t believe how clever this is.


This certainly solved a lot of problems for me when I needed to keep food fresh and warm. I don’t always want to be in the kitchen cooking, when my husband gets home from work, so this allows me to make it up ahead of time and then I don’t have to think about it again until we’re ready to eat!

This is also great for taking food to cookouts or picnics, if you have food that you want to keep hot or cold!

When my neighbor came over she said she loved my new bean bag, but when I told her it actually cooked food she thought I’d lost my mind. This little cushion does more than just look pretty, it keeps hot things hot, or it can keep cold things cold.

Basically, you get your food boiling for a few minutes, snuggle it right down into the center, and then put a cushion on top. It continues to cook your food without any power and the best part is, your food doesn’t burn!

You can also throw in ice cream and when you pull it out 4 hours later, it will still be frozen!  You can make one with the step by step tutorial below. I just wonder how I survived so long without it!

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