Is This a Jewelry Holder, a Cat Playscape, Towel Rack? Watch & See!

Is This a Jewelry Holder, a Cat Playscape, Towel Rack?  Watch & See! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is such an ingenious idea!  I’m baffled by all of the awesome organizing ideas I find online!  When I saw this I fell in love and had to make one!  It’s so unique…it would have never dawned on me to make one of these if I hadn’t seen this amazing video.


I read on Pinterest that an online store, Nursery Works, sells this book shelf for $850!  Really?  If you’re anything like me and my husband we already had several boards of wood, leftover from other projects, in our shed, so we didn’t have to spend much to make this.  We used brackets to attach it to the wall so it would be secure.

We made this for our grandchild’s bedroom at our home and she was so excited to have a place to put her books.  Now we’ve officially got her room organized and she thinks it’s mighty special!

I’ve seen pictures of these on Pinterest and some of them are much larger and used in people’s family rooms.  They look great with a nice stain on them, so these aren’t just for children’s rooms.  These look really modern placed in a living room or den and can be painted or stained any color you wish.  You can also use this shelf for framed pictures and nik naks!

Watch this step by step tutorial so you can make this splendid bookshelf!  SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!



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