DIY Tin Can Lanterns

DIY Tin Can Lanterns | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

We just recently moved into a new apartment. I have an outdoor small patio area that was in need of some quick fixing up, keeping in mind we are on an extremely tight budget. I found this excellent DIY Tinn Can Lantern idea and since we had a bunch of coke cans lying around left by the movers, I thought that this DIY would be perfect for my patio and my budget. I just used my Son’s Geometry Compass to punch holes in the can.


TinCan 2

Then after my holes were all punched, I used a rubber band to help make my cutting marking, then cut the circumference of the can with a heavy-duty Exacto knife.


Tin Can 5

Then you just put the candles in them and set them in your chosen place. Mine looked so great on the patio, I had made about 15 DIY Tin Can Lanterns and set them in the middle of our table, it had a mini fire pit look. I set chairs all around the table and invited our new neighbors over for a beer. We had the most wonderful new neighbors, Bill, and Shirly on one side and Greta and Lars on the other. They were so excited when they saw our DIY Tin Can Lanterns, I could hear Lars yelping from the walkway on the side of the house as he approached. Lars said I see the light, I see the light, I see the light!!!! What a cutie, I brought him by the hand and sat him down at the table gave him an ice-cold Heineken and started explaining exactly how I made them, and guess what? They are all coming over next week for a group project! A group project making DIY Tin Can Lanterns!

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