Watch This Ingenious Tiered Tray She Makes With Picture Frames And Pallet Wood!

Watch This Ingenious Tiered Tray She Makes With Picture Frames And Pallet Wood! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

I couldn’t believe this cool tiered tray she makes with a picture frame and pallet wood…absolutely brilliant! This will cost you virtually nothing to make when you buy the frames at the dollar store and pallet wood is free. All you have to buy is paint and the wooden candle stick from the craft store!


I made one of these for my kitchen to hold fruit and it’s been so handy to have and I’ve found that now that the fruit is out on display, my family eats more fruit!

These are also great for holding your perfumes in your bathroom or bedroom. You can paint it any color and any size you want and even attach beads to dangle down from the top tray. I also made one of these to hold my perfumes and it was fun decorating it. I love the way it turned out. It added a lot of pizzazz to my bedroom!

Since this is such a great DIY project, why not make up a few to give to your friends for gifts? They will love having one of these either for their kitchen or to hold their perfumes and jewelry.

Princess Home shows you, in her step by step tutorial, exactly how she makes this cool stand!


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