DIY Tabletop Fire Pit

DIY Tabletop Fire Pit | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Did you think a glamorous fire pit was too expensive of a luxury item for your outdoor patio table? Well I have to admit so did I, but when I found this outdoor tabletop fire pit idea on Youtube made from simple and affordable Home Depot, Lowes, or Ace Hardware items I went wild with the idea of making one immediately. I started by getting my materials together: Wood From Home Depot, caulk, a bag of concrete, a saw, a drill, a trowel, some screws, and a ruler.


You start by building two boxes and caulking them.

Make a DIY Tabletop Fire Pit

Then you mix up half a bag of concrete and put it in the bottom of the planter.

Make a DIY Tabletop Fire Pit

Then set the other box inside it.

Make a DIY Tabletop Fire Pit

Then you just cover it with concrete and then glue the metal siding on and fill the inside with rocks and your fuel canisters from Walmart and you are ready to go!

Make a DIY Tabletop Fire Pit

Then I set this gorgeous DIY Tabletop Fire Pit on my back patio table and it looked amazing. I couldn’t wait to get on the phone and invite guests over to see this gorgeous fire pit so we could snuggle around my newly made little Home Depot fire pit, as expected they loved it! This is a beautiful project that requires moderate to advanced carpentry skills. The end result is so beautiful, you definitely will not be disappointed if you decide to make it. I really would like to open a Firepit Shop now, lol!

DIY Tabletop Fire Pit





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