Thinking of giving chocolates to your loved ones this Valentine’s Day? If you are, I have found the best way to gift wrap them. Don’t just wrap them in a gift wrapper or just put them in a box – make it extra special! Here’s a DIY surprise chocolate gift box idea by We Called It Love. It’s super easy to make, inexpensive, and done in just a few minutes – an awesome way to present your gifts.

RELATED: 24 DIY Gift Ideas for Valentines Day

I absolutely love the idea; one of the best DIY Valentine’s Day gifts I have seen so far. You can give this to your loved one, friends, or family. I am sure they will be surprised when they open the box! But just make sure it’s on a flat surface before they untie the ribbon to keep the chocolates from falling. Give this a try and look at their reaction.

Easy Chocolate Gift Box For Valentine’s Day

  • thick box with lid
  • blade
  • kisses
  • chocolate bars
  • ribbon
  • plastic cup
  • double sided tape

Note: your box should be thick

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How to Make Chocolate Gift Box

Step 1:

Remove the lid from the box, then using a blade, carefully cut the corners. It should form a cross.

Step 2:

Add double sided tape on the inner top edges of the box, then stick the kisses.

Step 3:

Next, add double sided tape to the bottom sides then glue the chocolate bars.

Easy Chocolate Gift Box For Valentine's Day
Image by We Called It Love via YouTube

Step 4:

Make a hole on the top middle of two opposite sides, just large enough for the ribbon to fit. Get two ribbons of the same length and insert them into the two holes. Make a knot on the end inside the box.

How to Make Chocolate Gift Box 
Image by We Called It Love via YouTube

Step 5:

Place a plastic cup in the middle of the box and fill it with chocolates and candies.

Step 6:

Fold the sides, then place the lid. Tie the ribbons into a bow.

DIY Surprise Chocolate Gift Box Idea


Lily Suing

I have always been naturally curious. I love exploring various interests, whether it's trying out breakfast recipes, working on DIY projects at home, discovering new crafts, or anything that makes my life easier! When I am not writing, you can find me outdoors, enjoying the sun with a cold drink in my hand.

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