DIY Smokeless Fire Pit From Cheap Stainless Steel Pots

DIY Smokeless Fire Pit From Cheap Stainless Steel Pots | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by GreenShortz DIY via YouTube


The problem with fire pits is the amount of smoke they produce around the seating area. But it will no longer happen when you switch to this DIY smokeless fire pit by GreenShortz DIY. You can make it with just stainless steel pots! How amazing is that? Watch the video below for full instructions.



  • 8-quart stainless stock pot
  • 16-quart stainless stock pot
  • 3 pieces of stainless bracket (pipe and connector set)
  • 1/2″ thick wood scraps
  • nuts, bolts and washers
  • 3 pieces of 1 5/8″ stainless pipes (make sure it will fit in the pipe and connector set)
  • screws


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Step 1:

Start by removing the handles from the stock pots.

Step 2:

Cut a hole in the bottom of the larger pot that’s slightly smaller than the opening of the smaller pot. You can trace a circle on a paper and use it as a guide. Cut using a jigsaw cutter. Clean the edge using a file.

Step 3:

Make some marks on the smaller pot, 2 inches from the bottom, then make some holes on the marks that are equally spaced. Use a carbide hole saw to drill into the stainless. You want to do it slowly but with a lot of pressure so it will cut the chips out rather than burning a hole.

DIY Smokeless Fire Pit From Cheap Stainless Steel Pots Tutorial
Image by GreenShortz DIY via YouTube

Step 4:

Bend the smaller side of the U-shape of the bracket down to make it flat.

Step 5:

Place the 1/2″ wood scraps on the inside of the large pot with the hole on the bottom. Then place the smaller pot inside right side down. This will tell you the depth that you need. Place the three bracket between the two pots and mark the holes. Cut the holes.

Step 6:

Attach the brackets onto the small pot using nuts, bolts, and washers.

DIY Smokeless Fire Pit From Cheap Stainless Steel Pots Instructions
Image by GreenShortz DIY via YouTube

Step 7:

Mark the holes on the outside pot and drill them.

Step 8:

Insert the pipes on the brackets. Place the smaller pot in the bigger pot and use screws to attach the brackets in place. Make sure the pipes are in the same sizes.


DIY Smokeless Fire Pit From Cheap Stainless Steel Pots

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