Watch How She Transforms This Old Door Into Something Very Useful! (SO CLEVER)!

Watch How She Transforms This Old Door Into Something Very Useful! (SO CLEVER)! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Do you love to repurpose old things? This is a really cool way to give an old door a new and meaningful life! I don’t know many people who couldn’t use another one of these…I seem to never have enough! This has really freed up some space in my home and I love it!


Here’s how you can make a cutout stand up book rack by cutting out the panels of a discarded  door and reattaching them as shelves. I’m an avid book reader and find that I’m always running out of space for my books! When I saw this tutorial I got so excited because I just happened to have an old door out in my garage! Not to mention how neat this looks in my home, I now have a place for those extra books I had piling up on my floor! I just knew that the old door I was hanging onto had a big purpose!

Not only did I have space for my books, but I added some little nik naks, picture frames and trinkets to my shelf. It’s stunning and unique looking! I’m so proud of it!

I’ll have to admit, I’m addicted to Pinterest and it’s because I’m always discovering new ways to utilize the things that I don’t want to part with and giving them a new purpose! It gives me such an exhilarating feeling! I know all of you DIY’s out there know what I’m talking about!

Watch how she makes this in her step by step tutorial, go get your old door and get busy creating additional space for your home!





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