Watch The Clever Thing She Does After She Folds Pages Of This Old Book! (NOVEL IDEA!)

Watch The Clever Thing She Does After She Folds Pages Of This Old Book! (NOVEL IDEA!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

We all have old books just sitting around and think we’ll get rid of them some day…or give them to somebody. Well, now there’s a way for you to repurpose some of those old books and it’s rather unique and interesting!


And I definitely needed to do something with some of the old books I’ve been packing around for years! I am guilty of having way too many old books and they were just sitting on a book shelf collecting dust! I was pretty intrigued when I saw this tutorial because I found something I can actually do with some of them. These are quite a statement when you take your friends or family a vase of flowers with this clever folded book to adorn them! The reactions I’ve gotten have been priceless!

If you want your flower vase to be fuller, you can glue two books together by gluing the binders together, back to back. I’ve seen so many different ideas, on Pinterest, for using old books for vases. One of the tutorials showed a vase that had rolled up book pages, like tubes, glued to the vase and it looked really cool! Another idea I saw they cut the pages of a book into the shape of a curvy vase…they made a template out of cardboard and drew on the pages for a guide to cut the pages. It was darling! Check out all the amazing ideas for this craft to repurpose old books!

Watch Dazzle DIY’s tutorial so you can make this extraordinary vase and repurpose some of those old books you’ve been lugging around all these years!





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