How to Make Money Heart with a Bow

How to Make Money Heart with a Bow | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credit: NProkuda Origami on Youtube


Origami is a calming and exquisite hobby to pursue. In time for Valentine’s Day, this money heart with bow shared with us by NProkuda Origami on YouTube is a fantastic origami project to do. Make a bunch and add them to a bouquet or place them all in a mason jar to give to your loved one.



  • Dollar Bill/ Any money 


Lay your money on a flat surface and fold the bottom edge up to the upper edge. Then, unfold.

materials to make money heart with a bow
Image credit: KProkuda Origami on Youtube

Now, fold the left edge over the ridge edge to make a cross crease. Then, unfold. Fold both upper corners to the bottom corner as seen in the photo and then unfold. Repeat the other way around, folding the bottom corners to the upper edge corners and then unfolding.

Hold the money vertically and fold these parts following the creases that were made. Repeat with the other side. Hold the money vertically and fold these parts following the creases made.

Next, make 2 creases and fold the corners back. Fold both edges to meet at the centerline.

Turn the money over and fold the tiny upper corners into the central line. Then, unfold and tuck them inside. Rotate the money and repeat the process for the other corners.

When done, fold the upper corners to the central line, as seen in the photo. Unfold them and then fold them inside. Fold the top corner to the center and then unfold. Then, hide it inside. Turn over the money and fold the upper edge down. Flatten the corners sharply. Fold these corners back as seen in the photo.

Almost done! Fold the upper corner down. Then, pen and flatten the corners to make the bow’s loops. Fold the sharp right and left corners to the back so that the heart curves are seen.

how to make money heart with a bow
Image credit: KProkuda Origami on Youtube

Voila! The heart is completed.

How to Make Money Heart with a Bow

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