She Puts This Lovely Lace On Wood And Watch What She Does With It (Beautiful!)

She Puts This Lovely Lace On Wood And Watch What She Does With It (Beautiful!) | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

The old adage says, “Home is where the heart is” is so true and our homes are our nests for our family. Wherever your home may be, it’s important to take care of it and put your fingerprint on it.


Sometimes, home improvements can be costly, and projects end up adding up quickly. When you try to tackle the work yourself, it might save money, but the techniques may be intimidating. It can also be challenging to know where to begin.

Here’s a fabulous idea for some window treatments in your home and it couldn’t be easier, or cheaper!  Now you can kill two birds with one stone and make your space pretty, plus keep mosquitoes out by using lace window screens. Actually, it serves three purposes…it also provides privacy!

As a long time supporter of all things lace I will search for anything lace and every once in awhile you come across something grand! Window screens are easy enough so I tried it out on our broken door screen. I was so pleased with the results I decided to go ahead and do the kitchen windows too!

I wish I could have used some old curtains that I already had for this, or found some at a flea market, but I never got the chance to go out and look for it (and I don’t own any lace curtains). So, if you really want to do this project on the cheap, check out thrift stores for some lace curtains!

Watch how Princess Home does this in her step by step tutorial so you can get busy adding beautiful lace to your windows.

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