‘Tis the season to be jolly! Pass on the Christmas cheer in your neighborhood by making giant decorations to put in your yard. Isaac Alexander’s DIY YouTube video teaches us an easy way to make decorative candy canes over 8 feet tall. And without a doubt, these sugary sticks will boost your neighbors’ Christmas spirit.


  • Two packs of Oodles Monster 55″ by 3.5″ jumbo pool noodles
  • Premium grade red duct tape.
  • Lamomo waterproof LED strip lights
  • Gorilla clear duct tape
  • HT1000 Heat Gun
  • 480 Psi schedule 40 white PVC pipe 34″ by 10ft
  • 2″ by 4″ by 93″ spruce pine fir stud
  • 12″ or 34″ plywood


To make your candy cane curve mold, cut the plywood into pieces of 24″ by 24″. Then, cut your 2″ by 4″ wood into pieces that are 3″ thick. Cut 9-10 bits for the top shape and 7-8 pieces for the bottom figure.

Materials for Making DIY Led Candy Cane
Image credit: Isaac Alexander DIY on Youtube

Using a marker, trace onto the front part of the plywood the shape of a candy cane. Arrange your pieces of wood according to the form. Then, screw them into place. Use two screws per wood block. At the back, screw two pieces of 2″ by 4″ wood together. Make sure that the wood is shorter in length than the plywood.

Snake your PVC pipe between the top and bottom layers of the mold. Using your heat gun, apply consistent heat to soften the pipe so you are able to bend it according to the shape slowly. Note that the PVC will get extremely hot, so make sure not to burn yourself or the pipe.

Take your PVC out of the mold. At this point, you now have a 10 foot tall pipe in the shape of a candy cane. After that, insert your PVC into a jumbo pool noodle. You need to have two pool noodles to cover the whole pipe. Put WD-40 at the top of the noodles for you to easily insert your PVC.

Steps for Making DIY Led Candy Cane
Image credit: Isaac Alexander DIY on Youtube

Apply the red stripes to the candy cane using red duct tape. Start from the top and work your way to the bottom. Then, wrap the tape at an angle to give a swirl effect.

After applying the duct tape, wrap your rope LED strip lights around the white section of the candy cane. Do this in a similar swirling fashion. Work your way from the bottom to the top. Make sure that the connection for the lights hangs at the end of the cane. Use Gorilla clear duct tape to hold the lights in place.

Hammer a 2 ft rebar 6-8 “into the ground. Slide your candy cane over it. And there you have it. You now have a giant LED candy cane to decorate your lawn.

How To Make DIY Giant Candy Cane Lawn Decoration


Elle Ann

With a flair and passion for writing, crafting, and cooking, I've embarked on a mission to discover promising content and turn it into simplified tutorials to help readers whip up their own nifty crafts and delicious food.
Food for me is an art form, so I get my kicks from playing around with flavors and ingredients. And, if you can't find me in the kitchen, I'm probably lurking in a cozy café, sipping on some coffee while indulging in my favorite burnt Basque cheesecake with either a book or phone in hand, of course.

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