DIY Floating Fountain

DIY Floating Fountain | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Galeri Saturasi via YouTube


Looking for a new water feature for your garden? If you do, I have found the perfect project that will surely impress everyone! This DIY floating fountain by Galeri Saturasi is an eye-catching water fountain that lights up when switched on. I know you might be thinking, ‘Where is the water coming from?’. Well, it’s magic. Kind of. With some pipe and hose, you can achieve this floating effect. Kids will surely be impressed.


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Let me explain how it works. The basin is filled with water. It goes up through the pipe until it reaches the faucet, then goes back down through the small holes on the top outside the pipe. It uses the same water throughout. It’s amazing, right? It looks absolutely beautiful at night when it’s glowing. This fountain definitely gives that magical feeling.

Easy DIY Floating Fountain Materials

  • plastic water faucet
  • aquarium pipe diameter 0.472441 inches (12 mm)
  • 1/4 inch house
  • valve socket AW 1/2 inch SDL
  • basin diameter 9.84252 inches (25 cm)
  • PVC sheet
  • LED eagle eye diameter 0.629921 inches (12mm) 12 volt
  • used paint bucket
  • mini submersible pump dc 12 volt
  • connector female dc
  • adaptor 12 volt dc
  • stone, silicon rubber sealant

How to Make a Floating Fountain

Step 1:

Sand the faucet and spray paint to gold. Remove the tip of the faucet and cut the tube on the bottom. Make a bigger hole, so it fits the aquarium pipe perfectly. Cut 4 small indention in each side, then insert the aquarium pipe.

Easy DIY Floating Fountain Materials
Image by Galeri Saturasi via YouTube

Step 2:

Drill a hole the size of the hose on the valve socket. Insert the valve socket into the other side of the pipe. Insert the hose inside the pipe through the hole on the valve socket. Seal the gaps between the socket, pipe, and hose using rubber sealant.

Step 3:

Sand the basin and spray paint in black.

Step 4:

Cut 2 pieces of circles 0.787 inches in diameter on the PVC sheet, then make a hole on of the circle the same size as the top part of the eagle eye. Insert the eagle eye. Cut a small hole on the valve socket for the cord. Then seal the valve with the other circle of PVC sheet. Use instant glue to stick in place and rubber sealant to seal the gaps.

Easy DIY Floating Fountain Materials (1)
Image by Galeri Saturasi via YouTube

Step 5:

Insert the PVC sheet ring to the the other side of the hose then insert into the pipe. Cut the excess hose. Seal with rubber sealant.

Step 6:

Cut the bottom part of the paint bucket, then create 6 holes on the side and a big hole in the middle.

Step 7:

Attach the pump to the hose. Glue them on the basin. Make a hole on the basin for the cord. Place the bottom of the paint bucket on the pipe right side down.

Step 8:

Assemble back the faucet. Fill the basin with some water, then add stones. Attach the faucet to the other side of the pipe.

DIY Floating Fountain

DIY Floating Fountain

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