She Makes These Fabulous Bauble Necklaces With Fabric That Will Give Any Outfit A Pop of Color!

She Makes These Fabulous Bauble Necklaces With Fabric That Will Give Any Outfit A Pop of Color! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Have you ever just needed that extra something for an outfit to give it a little spark? Well, there have been times that I have and wish I’d had some of these at the time. Here’s an idea to change that situation. I think accessories are everything when dressing!


Fabric jewelry is an emerging trend these days. Have you ever imagined about crafting beautiful accessories using simple textile pieces. We are all interested in creative craft. DIY craft ideas are helpful for craft lovers and designers.

I saw one of these necklaces on Artful Home for $120 and they had used batting, rather than wooden beads, inside the knotted fabric. They had also embroidered colorful straight stitches across the individual balls, creating a fun and bold necklace. There’s absolutely no reason why you couldn’t do the same!

Many people are making these necklaces out of old neckties. What a brilliant idea! I just love repurposing old things into something new and useful! I love ties because of the tiny prints, rich colors, and the beautiful sheen of the silk. But there is not a lot of fabric when they are deconstructed. You could patchwork them, making them even more colorful and interesting!

These are so quick and easy you can whip one up for every outfit and they are the perfect gift for your hipster friends. Head over the the thrift store if you want to score some really great patterns and colors. Any large beads will work, if you don’t want to use wooden beads. I found mine at Michael’s (40% of course), this is also the perfect project to deconstruct a cheap, ugly, necklace you are no longer using (or never did!).

Watch how Hafta Crafta makes these awesome necklaces in her step by step tutorial.


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