Love your pup but sometimes feel like having a dog is too much work? Think DIY hacks to get your life in order and make your pet even happier than he or she already is. From dog beds to toys to training tips and treats, try some of these simple DIY ideas for your puppy or dog. Complete with step by step tutorials, these creative pet projects are fun to make.
DIY Dog Hacks
1. DIY Dog Bed From A Recycled Tire
This cute idea with a recycled tire is adorable, but the best part is seeing how much your pup will love sleeping in it. My dog spends half his time in his new bed, even for watching squirrels at the window
2. Train Your Dog To Ring A Bell To Go Potty
I did not believe this was possible. I still have a hard time believing it, but it works.
3. Create Grooming Caddy
If you’re always having trouble looking for stuff you need to use when grooming your dog, this grooming caddy is what you need to organize them and always have things in handy if you need them. You can put dog shampoos, brush, ear cleaner, nail clipper, detangling spray and anything else that you use for your sweet pups. Check out how to make our own Grooming Cady from I Heart Organizing.
4. Cozy Travel Cushion for Pets
If you love traveling with your dog, this Cozy Travel Cushing would definitely come in handy for your dog. You can bring it anywhere you go with your pet and they would have a bed ready for them to rest. All you need is a sewing machine, 2 matching towels, polyester batting, a large sewing needle and an embroidery floss. Check out how you can create on from this step-by-step tutorial from Martha Stewart.
5. Muffin Tin Dog Game
Here’s a dog game you can definitely enjoy with your pup-pups it’s a great idea to keep your dogs entertained. All you need to do is to break your treats into tiny little pieces and place them in a muffin tin, place the tennis balls over the muffin tin to hide the treats and make your dog sniff it out! This is a really great idea from Yes Missy that you can definitely do to make your pups happy.
6. DIY Dry Shampoo For Dogs
Tired of using normal shampoo for your dogs and having a hard time washing them off. Good news! You can make a DIY Dry Shampoo to make bath time with your pups so much easier! All you need is baking soda, cornstarch, skin safe vanilla fragrance oi, salt and pepper shakers, mixing bowl and a spoon and measuring spoons. Here’s how you can make your own Dry shampoo from She Knows.
7. DIY Dog Collar
If you like to dress your dog up this tutorial is something you should try! You can make several collars for your dog that she or he can use at any occasion or different collars for everyday of the week. It really easy to make and it will not take too much of your time to make one. Check out how easy you can do it from this step-by-step tutorial from UPSOCL.
8. Get Rid Of Dog Smells
Everyone loves dogs! Because who doesn’t, right? But despite their cute little wiggly tail and undeniably cute faces, you have to admit that they do leave a horrific smell on the bed or on the couch if you don’t get that cleaned up from time to time, so here’s a simple cleaning hack from DIY Passion so you can get rid of that bad smell and enjoy a happy life with your puppies!
9. Easy DIY Water Bottle Dog Toy
Puppies are really cute but don’t you find it annoying sometimes when your dog chews every single thing it lays its eyes on? Like your shoe or slippers? In this next DIY from Good Dogs Co, you will learn to make a Dog toy out of a used Water Bottle so that they could have something they could chew instead of your expensive leather shoes. All you need is an old sock, a water bottle, scissors and a thread.
10. 4 Ingredient Dog Biscuits
If you love baking and want to make a treat that is good for your dogs too, this 4 ingredient dog biscuit is not only for dogs you can actually have some too if you want. And one of these ingredients actually repel fleas so this treat is actually two in one, you can make your dog happy and fleas free. Check out how you can make this treat from this recipe from My Incredible Recipes.