DIY Cupcake Liner Christmas Ornament

DIY Cupcake Liner Christmas Ornament | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by VIKI Studio Crafts via YouTube


Every year, we make different Christmas crafts at home. It’s a great way to spend time with the whole family and improve our creativity–so, I am always on the lookout for beautiful Christmas projects. They don’t have to be expensive or grand. I actually prefer the simple yet creative ones that everyone can try to recreate, even the kids.


RELATED: Charming Pocket Angels Ornament

One of the projects I found interesting is this DIY cupcake liner Christmas ornament from VIKI Studio Crafts. Yes, this eye-catching ornament is made from cupcake liners. It has this beautiful and colorful pattern, perfect for hanging. Making one is super easy and quick–go ahead and give it a try!

Here’s another budget-friendly holiday project for you: DIY Honeycomb Christmas Tree Ornament

Easy Cupcake Liner Christmas Ornament Materials

  • foil cupcake liners
  • hot glue
  • yarn or string

How to Make a Christmas Ornament Using Cupcake Liners

Step 1:

Start by opening the cupcake liners, then folding them in half, colored sides together.

Step 2:

Take one folded cupcake liner, slightly open it, then add hot glue from the center to ward the edge, forming a straight line. Glue the two sides together. Repeat with the remaining cupcake liners. Be careful as it is hot.

Easy Cupcake Liner Christmas Ornament Materials
Image by VIKI Studio Crafts via YouTube

Step 3:

Take one folded piece and add glue from the straight edge to the curved edge. See the photo below for reference. Place another one on top. Repeat the process with the remaining pieces.

Step 4:

Once they are all glued together, add glue to the top the same way as you did with step 3, then glue both ends together.

How to Make a Christmas Ornament Using Cupcake Liners
Image by VIKI Studio Crafts via YouTube

Step 5:

Take a small piece of yarn or string, then fold it in half. Make a knot on the ends to tie them together. Add hot glue, then insert in the middle of the ornament.

DIY Cupcake Liner Christmas Ornament

Easy DIY Cupcake Liner Christmas Ornament

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