DIY Summer Bracelets Using An Old Plastic Bottle

DIY Summer Bracelets Using An Old Plastic Bottle | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Aira Tran via YouTube


Summer is the perfect time to get creative with your accessories, and what better way to do so than by making your own DIY summer bracelets using an old plastic bottle? This fun and eco-friendly project from Aira Tran on YouTube gives new life to materials that might otherwise end up in a landfill. Transform a plain plastic bottle into a collection of stylish, unique bracelets that are perfect for the sunny season.


RELATED: DIY Fabric Bracelet Using A Plastic Bottle

The process is surprisingly straightforward and requires minimal materials – just a clean plastic bottle, some scissors, an iron, and your choice of decorative elements like paint, nail polish, or markers. This project is suitable for crafters of all ages and skill levels, making it an excellent activity for a solo afternoon or a fun group project with friends or family.


  • old plastic bottle
  • masking tape
  • scissors
  • cutter
  • iron
  • nail polish in different colors


Step 1

Grab your plastic bottle, then use a masking tape to act as a guide for your scissors. After you determine the size of your bracelet with the tape, poke a hole in the side using a cutter, then cut it out with your scissors. After this, remove the tape, set your iron’s temperature to low, and then place the rough edges of the plastic on the iron plate. Move it around and twist it a little to make sure the plastic doesn’t melt. Repeat it on the other side.

Cutting the plastic bottle to make a bracelet
Image credits: Aira Tran via YouTube

Step 2

Now, color and decorate your bracelets using different colors of nail polish (you can use any craft paint or acrylic paint to design your bracelets). Once you’re done painting your bracelets, let them dry completely and you’re done!

Coloring and decorating the plastic bottle bracelet
Image credits: Aira Tran via YouTube

DIY Summer Bracelets Using An Old Plastic Bottle

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