Easy Cottage Cheesecake Recipe

Easy Cottage Cheesecake Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Home cooking via YouTube


If you’re a big fan of cheesecake recipes, you have to try this cottage cheesecake dessert from Home cooking on YouTube! It’s a quick and easy cheesecake recipe you can do in no time especially if you’re craving for it. You’ll love the texture and how creamy and cheesy it is.


RELATED: Easy, Creamy, and Healthy Cheesecake Recipe

In this step by step guide, Home cooking will teach you how to make this simple yet delicious cheesecake from scratch. It’s a wonderful addition to your dessert staples and would surely become an instant hit to the family. Watch the video below to learn the full recipe.


  • 1 1/3 cups cottage cheese
  • 1 cup coconut flakes
  • 1/3 cup milk powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt


  • 1 egg
  • 3.38 oz milk
  • 1/2 cup butter


Step 1

Crack 3 eggs in a large mixing bowl and add a pinch of salt. Whisk using a hand mixer until fluffy (about two minutes). After this, add 1 1/3 cups cottage cheese and continue mixing using an immersion blender. Once smooth, stir in 1 cup coconut flakes, 1/3 cup milk powder, and 1 tsp baking powder. Mix until fully combined. Transfer the mixture to a silicone mold (if you don’t have silicone, line a baking mold with parchment paper), and spread nicely and evenly. Place it in a 350 degrees F oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

Adding the cheesecake mixture onto the baking mold
Image credits: Home cooking via YouTube

Step 2

In the meantime, make the filling. Heat 3.38 oz milk until warm. Next, crack one egg and add some sweetener. Whisk until smooth, then gently stir it in the warm milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly, until thickened. Once done, turn off the heat and stir in 1/2 cup of butter. Allow it to cool and cover it with a cling wrap, touching the surface. Now, cut the cake horizontally and spread half of the chilled filling over. Place the other half of the cake, then spread the remaining filling to the entire cake. Place it in the fridge and let it set before serving.

Assembling the cottage cheesecake
Image credits: Home cooking via YouTube

Easy Cottage Cheesecake Recipe

Easy Cottage Cheesecake Recipe

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