Genius Woman Makes Mason Jar Candles And It’s What She Uses That Makes Them Perfect For Outdoors!

Genius Woman Makes Mason Jar Candles And It’s What She Uses That Makes Them Perfect For Outdoors! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

We have a big beautiful porch on our great vintage bungalow and are hoping to spend lots of time out there this spring and summer.  We bought some pretty cafe lights and put up a really comfy porch swing.


Although, the least favorite part of summer is those stinkin’ mosquitoes!  When I get a mosquito bite, it swells up to the size of a goose egg and this is why I made these citronella candles.

You don’t even need to make candles for this DIY project…you use tea lights, after adding the other important ingredients that repel mosquitos. Nothing could be easier than this! The oil used in these candles smell very distinct.  If you’ve burned citronella candles before, they smell like that, but less chemically and a little more lemony and fresh.

There’s something that has always comforted me about citronella candles. I guess it’s because, psychologically I can relax knowing they are helping keep those pesky varmints away!

There are many products out there to deter those little blood suckers but instead of reaching for commercialized products this summer, try out this natural way to keep them at bay.

Watch how this gal with Southern Living makes these helpful candles in her step by step tutorial so you can enjoy sitting outdoors this summer!

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