Chili Cornbread Skillet Bake Casserole Recipe

Chili Cornbread Skillet Bake Casserole Recipe | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by The HillBilly Kitchen via YouTube


This chili cornbread skillet bake casserole recipe by The HillBilly Kitchen on YouTube shows how to make a hearty filling meal with only 6 ingredients. It’s a good dish to have on a weeknight or weekend that serves as comfort food. There are many possibilities, substitutions, and different ways for the recipe, which makes it versatile. This is a great way to have cornbread and chili in one bite instead of making them separately. The chili would soak into the cornbread and I think it would be nice and moist to balance out the textures. It’s a quick recipe to make because you can make the chili ahead of time. Also, the cornbread is a mixture of ingredients and poured on top. I love chili and cornbread together.



  • 4 or 5 cups Chili
  • 1 cup Self-Rising Cornmeal
  • 1 tablespoon Honey
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tablespoon butter
  • 3/4 cup Milk


First, start off with hot chili and place it in a hot skillet, pan or dutch oven. This can be made with leftover chili, chili from a can, or homemade chili. Then, mix the honey with the milk, egg, butter and cornmeal flour.

Easy Cornbread Casserole Recipes - Chili Cornbread Recipes - Skillet Recipes
Image by The HillBilly Kitchen via YouTube


Next, add the cornbread mix on top of the hot chili. Bake in the preheated oven at 375 degrees for about 25-30 minutes or until lightly brown.

How To Make chili cornbread - Casserole Bake Recipes - Chili Casserole Recipe
Image by The HillBilly Kitchen via YouTube

Overall, this is a simple recipe that works well if you want to use up leftover chili or want something that is a combination of things in one. Let the casserole sit for about 10 minutes so that the cornbread firm up. You can add the cornbread mixture to the bottom and top of the chili and sprinkle with cheese. This is a budget-friendly meal that can be made with premade ingredients such as boxed cornbread and canned chili.

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