Sewing Tutorial: Insulated Heat Protectors for Bowls

Sewing Tutorial: Insulated Heat Protectors for Bowls | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Do you cringe every time you have to remove a hot bowl from the microwave, afraid that you will burn your fingers, or worse yet, drop the bowl and spill the hot contents on you or your kids?  Well, fear no more because today I am going to show you how to make a bowl potholder so you don’t even have to touch that hot bowl!


These little jewels are so handy and they’re washable!  Now you can protect your hands from getting burnt when holding a hot bowl of soup. How many times have you burned your hands lifting a bowl from the microwave? Plenty, I would guess. I know I have.

You can make these for any size bowls…a normal size soup or cereal bowl, casserole bowls, any size you would need to protect your hands.

With the cool weather rolling in, I plan to make some of these cute DIY gift ideas to use for heating up my homemade vegetable soup in the microwave. I make a big pot of it and eat it all week, but when I re-heat it in the microwave the bowls get really HOT! These will certainly be a welcome accessory for my kitchen!

I love these!  If you decide to make these, make sure you use 100% cotton fabric and batting.

Watch this cool Youtube DIY video to learn how to make this idea, one of our favorite easy sewing projects.  Complete with an awesome step by step tutorial so you can save yourself from getting burned over and over again!

DIY Bowl Potholder - Easy Sewing Projects With Free Sewing Patterns - Youtube Video and Step by Step Tutorial for DIY Kitchen Home Decor

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