Oh You’re Gonna Have to See for Yourself What He Makes Out of This Driftwood!

Oh You’re Gonna Have to See for Yourself What He Makes Out of This Driftwood! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas



I’ve always loved driftwood and I’m so glad to see that people are creating such fabulous things with it.  I can remember going to the lake in Kentucky and picking up the most interesting pieces of driftwood, but I was too young and dumb to think that I could create something magical out of it!


These wind chimes he’s made with the artistic painting and marbles is so clever and unique.  They also make the sweetest sound when the wind hits them.  Now I’m thinking that I need to go over to my Mother’s and see if I can con her into giving me some of the pieces we picked up when I was a teenager.  Maybe I should tell her that I’ll make her some wind chimes too!

Driftwood has a shabby chic type appearance from being knocked around in the water for so long.  It has such a beautiful appearance and is easy to work with. I think I’ve lost all my marbles (no pun intended) that I had when I was young. Guess I’d better see if Mom’s got some of those too!  Marbles that were around when I grew up were so much prettier than the ones they make now.

Watch this step by step tutorial so you can create these lovely wind chimes too!  Make sure to SHARE this with your friends on Facebook too!

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