Everybody Needs to Have a Tree of Life in Their Home & This One Is Spectacular!

Everybody Needs to Have a Tree of Life in Their Home & This One Is Spectacular! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is the coolest piece of art!  I’ve always loved art with The Tree of Life, but I think this one is extraordinaire! It takes a little longer to make, but it’s easy to make and well worth it.  This would look fabulous on any wall in your home, even on the exterior of your home!


The philosophical meaning of the image of the Tree of Life is simple… You are a child of the Universe.

  • You have the right to exist
  • You have the responsibility to grow to be yourself

Now, get busy watching this step by step tutorial so you can make YOUR tree of life!  And…don’t forget to SHARE this with your friends and family!



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