Easy No Sew Rag Rug

Easy No Sew Rag Rug | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by: Nancy's Notions


Looking for a fun and unintimidating project to pass time? Try this easy no sew rag rug by Nancy’s Notions on Youtube. It’s the perfect craft for your fabric strips! Use different vibrant colors to make a statement piece for your home. Watch the video below for a detailed explanation of each step. Happy crafting!



  • 2-inch strips of different colors of fabric
  • pair of scissors
  • binding clips


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Step 1:

Get one strip and cut the edge. Fold over the end and cut a half an inch slit in the middle. You can do this with all of the strips right before starting or just do it as you go.

Step 2:

Get two pieces of strips in different colors. Slide one into the other on the slit. Take the end of the inserted strip and put it through the slit of the same fabric. Keep pulling until the ends form a knot.

Step 3:

Take one of the binding clips. Clip the end to a board to hold it still.

Step 4:

Hold one of the strips that will be your anchor strip. Make a knot on the other strip. Keep doing the same process. Once you are almost done with the strip you are working on but still don’t have your desired length, take another one and insert it into the slit. Loop it to make a knot. Continue doing the same process of making knots.  Once done, unclip it and count the number of knots that you made.

Easy No Sew Rag Rug Tutorial
Image by: Nancy’s Notions

Step 5:

Hold the end of the fabric this way. Loop the strip and come through the top part to make a knot while keeping the anchor strip in the middle. Do the same thing as you get the same number of knots from the same row.

Easy No Sew Rag Rug Instructions
Image by: Nancy’s Notions


If your anchor strip is getting short just the same process with the other strip. Continue doing this until you have your desired width. If you want to make a border all around you can keep adding another strip with the same fabric on the last piece and tie knots all the way around. Cut off the excess from the last strip of fabric.


Easy No Sew Rag Rug

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