8 Lint Roller Tricks That Only A Few Know

8 Lint Roller Tricks That Only A Few Know | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube


Did you know there are other ways you can use your handy lint roller? Smart Fox has compiled some ingenious ways you can use your lint roller aside from removing dust and hair from your clothes. These tips are so clever and ingenious that they would surely blow your mind away. I learned a lot of tricks, and I especially love the glitter one; it’s so smart!


RELATED: How To Clean Screens with a Lint Roller

Check out the video below now and learn the following. You’ll surely pick up a few tricks you can apply to your daily routine. Thanks to Smart Fox for this fantastic video tutorial. Make sure to check the channel for more videos just like this.

#1 Window Screen

Clean your installed window screens with a lint roller if dust starts accumulating on them over time.

Cleaning window screens using a lint roller
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube

#2 Lampshade

Use a lint roller to remove pet hair from your lampshades. You can also remove dust or dirt with it.

#3 Glitter

If glitter happens to spread to a surface at your home, you can use a lint roller to remove it easily. This is an effective way to remove glitter 100% at any surface.

#4 Handbag

You can also use a lint roller in cleaning your handbag to efficiently remove any dirt and small particles from it.


#5 Food Crumbs

Remove small food crumbs effectively using a lint roller on any surface at your home.

#6 Drawers

Clean your drawers and remove any dust and small particles using a lint roller.

#7 Couch

If your couch accumulated a lot of pet hair, you can remove it by using a lint roller.

#8 Glass

If you happen to break glass, you can remove the small shards easily by using a lint roller.

Cleaning small shards of glass using a lint roller
Image credits: Smart Fox via Youtube

8 Lint Roller Tricks That Only A Few Know

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