3 Ways to Check How Much Propane Is Left in Your Tank

3 Ways to Check How Much Propane Is Left in Your Tank | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by nextmoonyt via YouTube


Want to know how much gas you have left in your propane tank? It’s actually easy. Here are 3 ways to check how much propane is left in your tank. You surely do not want to run out of gas, especially when preparing a meal. It would be such a hassle. Nextmoonyt on YouTube will show you different methods using hot water, a weighing scale, and a pressure gauge.


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How to Check The Gas Level on Your Propane Tank

1 – Use hot water

You can use hot water to check the gas level in your tank. Place your tank outside and slowly pour hot water on one side of the tank. Next, place your hand on the top side of the tank and feel if it’s hot. Slowly move your hand down and you will notice, it changed from hot to cold. Where you feel the coolness begins and the hotness stops, that’s your propane level.

How to Check The Gas Level on Your Propane Tank
Image by nextmoonyt via YouTube

2 – Weight

Determine the propane left in your tank by weighing it. An empty propane gas canister typically weighs 17 pounds, it can hold up to 20 pounds. A full canister of propane gas will weigh approximately 37 pounds. Place the propane tank on your scale and subtract 17 pounds from the reading. The amount is equal to the propane left. You can check your tank for the exact weight.

3 – Pressure

Check the pressure inside your propane tank to know the propane level. Connect the pressure valve to your tank. The green shows it is full, yellow means it is getting low, and red means it’s almost empty. Once it’s attached, turn on the gas. You’ll hear the gas coming out, and then you will see the pressure gauge move. Before removing it, make sure to turn off the valve.

Three Ways to Tell How Much Gas Is Left in Your Propane
Image by nextmoonyt via YouTube

3 Ways to Check How Much Propane Is Left in Your Tank

3 Ways to Check How Much Propane Is Left in Your Tank

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