10 Tips to Declutter Faster

10 Tips to Declutter Faster | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by A to Zen Life via Youtube


Do you always have a hard time decluttering your home? Do you get easily distracted and don’t accomplish your task? A to Zen Life is here to help. Learn about her 10 tips to declutter faster to make your house much cleaner and organized. Watch the video below for a detailed explanation.



Tip 1: Stop the inflow of clutter

Do you tend to engage in retail therapy or have a shopping addiction? You need to find ways to help you curb your shopping and stop that inflow of clutter to get the results you want.

Tip 2: Do a trash sweep

Grab a garbage bag and walk around your house. Start tossing the trash you find into places where it tends to collect into the bag.

10 Tips to Declutter Faster Tips
Image by A to Zen Life via Youtube


Tip 3: Keep your eyes on the prize

Remove distractions as much as possible. Don’t try to clean, don’t try to organize, just focus on decluttering. It’s a lot easier to do it with what’s left after you declutter.

Tip 4: Donate more

You can donate clothes that are still in good condition and recycle the rest.

Tip 5: Use the 80/20 rule

This is also known as the Pareto principle. It states that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. One way to use this principle is by tacking the high-impact areas in your home. This might mean clearing the visual clutter off of flat surfaces. Another is your wardrobe. Are you only using 20% percent of it most of the time? Start letting go of the others you no longer use. If you ask yourself if you should keep it, then you probably should declutter it. If it’s not a clear yes, then it’s a no.

Tip 6: Be ruthless

Declutter the items that you haven’t used for years. Surround yourself with the things you only love and enjoy using.

Tip 7: Clutter drop zones

Create clutter drop zones. These are designated places where you can easily and quickly drop clutter off when you find them lying around.

10 Tips to Declutter Faster Tricks
Image by A to Zen Life via Youtube


Tip 8: Set a timer

You can accomplish a lot, even with just 15 minutes a day!

Tip 9: Use a re-home box

Use a box for rehoming clutter, everything that belongs elsewhere. This helps speed up the decluttering process.

Tip 10: Make it fun

Turn on a music playlist or listen to your favorite show or podcast. Take before pictures to remind you of the progress you’ve made.



10 Tips to Declutter Faster

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