This is one of the cutest quilts I’ve ever seen! When I saw this I fell in love with it and just had to make one! I’ve had more compliments on this precious quilt. Everybody that sees it wants one! I adore the bright colors in this quilt…I usually love anything that is bright and cheerful! The fact that it has cats on it brightens my days even more!
I never cease to be amazed by the cute quilt designs that people come up with! I’m so grateful that we get the benefit of these brilliant minds! I also saw a precious dog quilt on Pinterest that I’ve got to make next. I’m a dog and cat lover, just like many of you out there and there’s nothing better than sleeping under a quilt in the summertime. It’s the perfect weight and so comfy.
Watch this step by step tutorial to see how she makes this fabulous quilt!
Learn how to make a cat quilt with this step by step tutorial.
Thanks to Lou Lou Downtown for the darling cat quilt photo used in this post. Check out their blog site for all kinds of beautiful things!