Why Aren’t Birds Coming to Your Feeder

Why Aren’t Birds Coming to Your Feeder | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by ColesWildBirdProducts via YouTube


People love placing bird feeders in their backyards as they offer relaxation and are a great way to connect with nature. It is definitely calming to have a lot of bird visitors and hear them chirping all throughout the day. But what if they suddenly stop coming to your feeder? It can be worrisome, especially if you are a bird lover and want to help them thrive.


RELATED: DIY Plastic Bottle Bird Feeder

Some of the top questions people ask are, “Why won’t birds come to my feeder?” and “How do I get my birds to come back to my feeder?”. There are a ton of reasons why this happens. It may be due to a dirty feeder or the food not being fresh. But if you always clean them and make sure the food is new and free from mold, check out these other three main reasons by ColesWildBirdProducts that will answer your question about why birds aren’t coming to your feeder.

For more bird tips, check these out: How to Keep Squirrels Off Your Bird FeederHow to Attract More Birds to Your Backyard

3 Reasons Why Birds Aren’t Coming to Your Bird Feeder

Brand new feeder, new food, and changing the location

Birds are creatures of habit. They will test the bird feeder first to check if there are predators or if there is food. If nothing ate them while they were there and the food is okay, they will come back. They will start depending on it for food sources as they already know it is reliable.

Why won't birds come to my feeder
Image by ColesWildBirdProducts via YouTube


Once you change the look, food, and position, the birds will notice it.

Keep in mind about the position. They know where the feeder and their source of food are and if you move it 3 to 6 feet away, they will be hesitant to go to the new location.

You just have to give it a little bit of time until they get used to the changes.

How do I get my birds to come back to my feeder
Image by ColesWildBirdProducts via YouTube


Why Aren't Birds Coming to Your Feeder

Why Aren’t Birds Coming to Your Feeder

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