When trying a healthier lifestyle or diet, it is important that you also choose the right type of bread to consume. There are certain bread that has more sugar, oil, and preservatives that are not ideal if you want a healthy body, but luckily, there are also a lot of bread that includes lots of nutrients. Some of these bread might even surprise you because you can find them easily and they are so delicious, too! Learn which type of bread you should eat with this video by Joy Home Remedies on YouTube.
Types of bread
- Sprouted grain bread
- Sourdough bread
- Oat bread
- Flax bread
- Rye bread
- Brown rice bread
Why they’re healthy:
1.) Sprouted grain bread – this type of bread is made from whole seeds that have sprouted, then they are grounded into flour, and then baked into bread. This process lets the nutrients become absorbed by the body better and they are also easier to digest. Plus, this type of bread contains more fiber which will make you feel full longer.
2.) Sourdough bread –this is one of the healthiest bread that you can consume and it is a great source of fiber, plus, it contains a low glycemic index. This bread is made from a mixture of flour and water that is then fermented. This process breaks the starch and makes it easier to digest, plus, this type of bread contains lots of vitamins and nutrients.
3.) Oat bread – this bread has a lot of fiber, iron, and complex carbohydrate that is beneficial for the body. This bread is made from whole grain oats that are grounded into flour and then baked into bread. This also has many health benefits such as low -sodium, high dietary fiber, iron, and magnesium.
4.) Flax bread – this bread is made from flaxseed which is rich in fiber, protein, and omega 3. This type of bread can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, plus, it can improve the risk factors of heart disease, and inflammation, and lower certain cancer risks, too.
5.) Rye bread – this is a healthier alternative to wheat bread, nutritious, and packed with manganese, iron, selenium, magnesium, and B vitamins. This also has more iron than wheat bread and can be made with whole or refined grains, so make sure to choose whole grains for better health benefits.
6.) Brown rice bread – this kind of bread is rich in fiber, protein, minerals, and vitamins. It is also gluten-free and has a chewy texture which makes it perfect for your favorite sandwich or toast. Plus, they are pretty easy to find in the grocery store.
*All image credit belongs to Joy Home Remedies via YouTube. Follow and subscribe to their channel for more!