Wanting to add a new look to your home decor but not sure where to start? How about checking out our DIY wallpaper hanging tips and tricks so you can start with those blank walls? Whether you just moved into a new apartment or find yourself wishing your house had some badly needed designer flair, learning how to hang wallpaper is a must try trick of the trade that most interior designers swear by. If you think wallpaper is ugly, old and stodgy, you may not have seen all the newest wallpapers. Definitely time to revisit wallpaper, as adding it to an accent wall can really transform a room. When you don’t have lots of money for cool furniture and art, the wallpaper can really help carry the room. Try learning these wallpaper tips and tricks before you start, though. Wall paper hanging can be messy and if not done right, can have mismatched patterns and weird lines, which will do the opposite of what you are intending to do with your room. When you are finished and find yourself with leftover wallpaper remnants or scraps, we have tips for those, too – turn them into some crafty, cool DIY projects.
1. Remove A Wallpaper Border
When it comes to home improvement ideas, we often have to take matters into our own hands when it comes to removing the old and adding the new, especially when we are on a budget. If your home has a dated old wallpaper border you want to remove, learn how by following this easy tutorial that shows you how to remove wallpaper borders the easy way.