You Won’t Believe The Amazing DIY He Does With Clay Pots!

You Won’t Believe The Amazing DIY He Does With Clay Pots! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is such a cool DIY project…I made one of these last spring when I ran across this amazing video. Talk about a cool way to add something interesting to your backyard…this is certainly just that!

With spring right around the corner, this is a great project you’re gonna want to save in a “must do” file!


There are so many amazing gardening ideas on Pinterest, but I think this has to be one of my favorites. I had so much fun doing this last spring and when the flowering plants started getting full and trailing over the clay pots it was such a gorgeous sight to see. You’re gonna love this!

I’m gonna put one of these together for my Mother for her birthday this May. It’s so hard to know what to do for her and her favorite past time is gardening, so she’ll love this! She really liked mine!

The next project he does is more gardening on the “slant”.  I love the haphazard way that the pots are arranged and then planted.  They give a whimsical look to any garden setting.  The sky is the limit on color, or you can just leave them in a natural terra cotta or galvanized look. The secret to the look of the planter is a long straight rod that is secured in the soil and holds all the pots in place.

Watch how Jim Cunneen with Miracle Grow does these great looking planters so you can do these come spring!

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