Ultimate Fridge Organization in 5 Easy Steps

Ultimate Fridge Organization in 5 Easy Steps | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by MissLizHeart via Youtube


Do you have a messy fridge? Now is the right time to organize it! Having a clean and well-organized fridge makes cooking easier because you can see all the produce and items that you have right away. Here is the ultimate fridge organization in 5 easy steps by MissLizHeart on Youtube.



Empty the fridge

Remove everything from your fridge. Keep the stuff that would spoil easily in a different fridge or you can put them in an ice chest. For all the things that could stay at room temperature for a longer time, just place them on your dining table or aside.

Deep clean

Take the drawers out and just wash them with soap and water. Wipe the sides clean and make sure that you remove all the grime.

Ultimate Fridge Organization in 5 Easy Steps Cleaning
Image by MissLizHeart via Youtube

Select your organizer

Get yourself clear containers that have an adjustable center divider for your produce so you can easily separate them and see the inside. You should also consider the size of your fridge and how many you need. Before you start assembling them, determine what setup you want. Consider your fruits and vegetables or the food you usually eat and make sure they are in front.

Fill the containers

When you add the fruits to your containers, line them with paper towels to prevent them from molding and make your produce last longer.

For your carrots, you can peel them, cut them into big pieces, and put them in the mason jar. Fill it with water and close with the lid. You can do the same thing with your celery.

For your fresh herbs, wash them and stick them in a mason jar with water.

Ultimate Fridge Organization in 5 Easy Steps Storing
Image by MissLizHeart via Youtube


Put everything back together. Make sure you still have free space for the leftovers,  oversized items, and meals that get delivered to your house.

Ultimate Fridge Organization in 5 Easy Steps

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