Turn Photos Into Custom Canvases: Just 4 Easy Steps

Turn Photos Into Custom Canvases: Just 4 Easy Steps | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Alanna Foxx / YouTube


Buying a custom canvas print online is super expensive. I remember a few years ago I bought a 7″ x 7″  custom canvas for my best friend’s birthday, and it cost me $50. Sure, it was super cute, but it was so tiny and totally not worth the money I paid for it.


YouTuber Alanna Foxx has come up with a much cheaper alternative: a canvas, a photo, some mod podge, and some paint. It looks almost identical and it costs less than a third of the price to make a canvas double the size!

First, Alanna paints the edges of her canvas. She uses black. After it dries, she applies a thin layer mod podge to the canvas, and places her image on top. Make sure your image is the same size as your canvas, and trim the edges if necessary. Press out all air bubbles and wait for the mod podge to dry. Finally, paint some mod podge on top of the photo to seal it and give it a canvas-like appearance.

These canvases make great gifts and even better decorations for your room! Give this DIY a try and be sure to share it with your friends!

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