A Special Towel Folding Trick That Adds Style To The Way You Display Your Hand Towel!

A Special Towel Folding Trick That Adds Style To The Way You Display Your Hand Towel! | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

This is a really classy way to display your hand towels, especially if you’re having special guests to your home!

I went to a friend’s home one day and she had the towels in her guest bathroom folded this way and I was so impressed. I went home and tried to do it, but there was a step I was leaving out because the washcloth wouldn’t stay in the fold.


I was glad when I found this tutorial because I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. I’ve got this down now that I’ve seen this tutorial.

Most of us like for our guest bathrooms to look nicer than our bathrooms our guests don’t seem.

If you’ve ever been on a cruise you’ve probably seen the towels that have been formed to look animals. I came back to my room to find a rabbit one night and another night there was a monkey hanging from the curtain rod.

The animal towels are much more difficult than this simple way of folding towels that I’m sharing with you today.

Watch how this gal with Apusseries does this in her step by step tutorial so you can get busy making your guest room look impressive!





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