The Secret to Keeping Celery Crisp

The Secret to Keeping Celery Crisp | DIY Joy Projects and Crafts Ideas

Image by Kroger via YouTube


Do you love adding celery to your dishes? Learn the secret to keeping celery crisp with this easy tutorial by Kroger.

Celery is a low-calorie vegetable that is packed with fiber and nutrients. It has a mildly bitter taste with a crisp texture. It can be eaten raw in sticks with your favorite dip or chopped and added to salads. You can also add it to your stocks, soups, and casseroles. Some people also use it to make celery juice.


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If you love using this ingredient, you have to store it properly, as celery can get limp and soft. Storing them in plastic bags is not the right way to do it. Most vegetables and fruits release ethylene gas, and if you store them in airtight containers or bags, the gas gets trapped, which causes them to spoil faster and lose their quality. Find out the proper way to store celery to keep it crisp and how to make old celery crunchy again with this tutorial.

Here’s another storage tip for you: How to Store Bananas The Correct Way

How to Keep Celery Crisp

Remove the celery from the bag. Take a sheet of aluminum foil. Place the celery and wrap it tightly in aluminum foil, not plastic wrap. The plastic wrap will trap the ethylene and cause the celery to become limp faster. Aluminum foil, on the other hand, creates a tight cover while still leaving enough room for the ethylene to seep out.

How to Keep Celery Crisp
Image by Kroger via YouTube

How to Make Old Celery Crunchy Again

Cut off the ends of the celery and place it in a deep airtight container. Fill it with filtered water until the celery is submerged. Cover with the lid, then place inside the fridge. It should stay crisp for a few weeks.

How to Make Old Celery Crunchy Again
Image by Kroger via YouTube

The Secret to Keeping Celery Crisp

How to keep celery crisp

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